Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:16-17
The women's ministry exists to come alongside women through studying God's word, serving and supporting others, and providing socializing opportunities in order to help women cultivate a deeper faith, develop friendships, and to teach them to live out the gospel in the world.
2025 Women's Confernce
Due to a recent injury incurred by our speaker, the Women's Conference is postponed until January 17th, 2025. We believe God has given her what He desires for us to hear and eagerly await this new date.
We hope you join us as we look to scripture to inform our understanding of worship. The conference will include a catered meal, time hearing from the word of God, and worship. Childcare will be provided.
Lucia Gilreath is a retired computer programmer who has taught the Word of God for over 50 years. She has taught nearly every age group from children at VBS and assisting with 3rd grade Sunday School in her early 20's, to teaching teens, young women, middle aged and senior adults in Bible Studies and Sunday School.
She is a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. A woman who loves her family and a good adventure. Lucia is an avid bike rider and book reader, a prayer warrior and student of God's Word.
When asked about the topic of Worship for the Women's Fall Conference she shared that the Lord led her to this topic as she prayed and listened to the Holy Spirit. When she asked the Lord to affirm this He did so through a sister in Christ.
Lucia teaches the Fidelis Sunday School Class at Whitefield Baptist Church and will be teaching a home group study through the book of Acts this Fall.
We hope you join us as we look to scripture to inform our understanding of worship. The conference will include a catered meal, time hearing from the word of God, and worship. Childcare will be provided.
Lucia Gilreath is a retired computer programmer who has taught the Word of God for over 50 years. She has taught nearly every age group from children at VBS and assisting with 3rd grade Sunday School in her early 20's, to teaching teens, young women, middle aged and senior adults in Bible Studies and Sunday School.
She is a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. A woman who loves her family and a good adventure. Lucia is an avid bike rider and book reader, a prayer warrior and student of God's Word.
When asked about the topic of Worship for the Women's Fall Conference she shared that the Lord led her to this topic as she prayed and listened to the Holy Spirit. When she asked the Lord to affirm this He did so through a sister in Christ.
Lucia teaches the Fidelis Sunday School Class at Whitefield Baptist Church and will be teaching a home group study through the book of Acts this Fall.

Festival Of Tables
Ladies, please make plans to join us for an evening of Christmas cheer as we enjoy beautiful tablescapes, a catered meal, delightful fellowship, and holiday fun at our first annual Festival of Tables!
Table tours will begin at 6:00pm with dinner service beginning at 6:30pm. Women of all ages are welcome to attend this special evening, and the community is invited as well. Childcare will be provided.
Table tours will begin at 6:00pm with dinner service beginning at 6:30pm. Women of all ages are welcome to attend this special evening, and the community is invited as well. Childcare will be provided.